Your Union of Marriage  Ceremony will be a sacred affair with personally written vow’s and affirmations. Traditional & modern rituals and content can be incorporated into ceremonies to accommodate social, cultural & religious preferences.

Let us journey with you on your special day to ensure all your rituals and blessings are conducted the way you require. We are here to serve you.

In the UK, Civil Celebrant Ceremonies are not legal weddings; meaning… we cannot say you’re ‘joined in wedlock’. To-date, you can only be legally married through a church or registrar. Our ceremonies are referred to as Civil, Commitments and Renewal of Vows. We call them ‘Union of Marriage’.

To request a free & friendly consultation Click Here

One of the exciting aspects of having a Union Ceremony is the freedom to fully express yourselves.

​Planning your ceremony in this way presents a wider choice of venue options .  Many venues are registered venues which allow you to have a Registrar and Civil ceremony on the same day. There are also a host of other areas of natural and historic beauty that are available such as…

Reception Rooms

Golf Course

Mansions & Stately Homes

Local Venues

Religious Venues

Council Venues

Nature Resorts

Ornamental Gardens


Tree Circle Ceremonies
Unique & Personal Rituals are woven into your ceremony to create intimate inclusive occasions.

At Tree Circle we have a range of specific ceremonial rituals for your specific use. We use longstanding rituals such as Hand Fastening, Jumping the Broom and Sand Blending as well as our own bespoke blend. Creating specific rituals to bring your vision into reality.

Candle lighting rituals open ceremonies with clear focus bringing light and potency to the intention given to the ritual.

Free Consultation. During an initial consultation, we’ll discuss your vision and how we can weave the story of your Commitment and Union together forming a potent memorable occasion.

Prices range from £400.00. Factors such as date, location & personal provision may affect overall costs.

Click Here for a ‘no-obligation’ consultation with AamaSade.