At Tree Circle we acknowledge that life is eternal.
Death is a natural process of life and although circumstances may be tragic at times, it is our duty and intention to ensure that ones departing are honored.
For the living, there’s a challenging shift that happens when we are close to someone dying. This transforms both the living and the one releasing.
Soul Midwife
In my lifetime I’ve delivered many babies. I was encouraged to train as a midwife. I was intrigued to learn that those that support the dying are also refereed to as midwives.
Many cultures make the connection between babies and elderly saying that both elders and babes are closest to The Creator as one has just come and the other leaves soon.
I’ve had the honor of befriending many crossing the veil and offering methods of release and grounding.
As a Soul Midwife I offer holistic therapies, energy balance and family support .

Our Fees
Funeral Ceremonies start at £256.00
Should you be experiencing the sad loss of a new born our fee is reduced.
Other end of life services include:
Soul Midwife Services
A Selection of End of Life Rituals
Pre-plan Funeral Support
Family Mediation & Child Support
‘Do It Your Self’ Funerals
For a prompt reply call or text 0744 608 5672 or message here.
“Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in thy sight Oh Fari”
Song ~ Rivers of Babylon

If you’re concerned about explaining death to a child or managing grief we can offer direction.
Ceremonial End Of Life Practice is universal and as diverse as the people on the Earth.
At Tree Circle we consider an important aspect of death is acknowledging our Ancestors.
We have found it to be an important & satisfying grieving process for the family and loved ones involved.
To inquire on services offered click here to speak with Aama Sade.

Click Here to read an interview on the Rastafarian & Cultural Ceremonies we provide.
Clients Comments
“Blessing and gratitude for walking through this day with me and my son.“
“I was dreading this day. In so many ways it was the worst day of my life. Yet you managed to bring us together – cos my family can be prickly at the best of times! By the end of the ceremony we were celebrating together. Laughing and singing – it was really amazing. I can’t thank you enough!“
Queries…? Support…? Advice…?
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